Katandra Bushland Sanctuary

0431 857 407


Native Fauna


Katandra's Native Fauna

Katandra Bushland Sanctuary is an area designated for the conservation of its native flora and fauna typical of the Hawkesbury Sandstone country. During a two-year period (March 1998 – April 2000) a study undertaken by Mr George Hangay was carried out in order to survey the fauna of the sanctuary. Excerpts from that study are given here with Mr Hangay’s kind permission.


Four classes of vertebrates are represented in the Sanctuary: mammals (Mammalia), birds (Aves), reptiles (Reptilia) and amphibians (Amphibia). To the visitors birds are the most conspicuous forms of animal life in the Sanctuary as many species can be seen even during a short walk. On sunny days a number of reptiles can also be encountered. Most of the mammals and amphibians in the Sanctuary are nocturnal. Full lists of these vertebrates can be found by clicking on the picture links below.


A display of some of the insect specimens collected during the fauna survey can be seen on display in the yurt. However, a great percentage of the invertebrate fauna found in Katandra remains "invisible" to the casual observer. Many species are minute, cryptic and/or nocturnal.The bio-mass of the small organisms, which live in the soil and leaf litter, in decaying wood and in the foliage outweighs the bio-mass of the vertebrate animals. Their presence and survival is vital for the biological balance of the Sanctuary.

Full lists of Vertebrates





Katandra is home to the Eastern Pygmy Possum

The Eastern pygmy possum, Certcartetus nanus, is listed as endangered in New South Wales.